Broken and Good: Learning New Things about our Healthcare System.

I find myself learning to control my emotions as I watch my husband deal with increasing pain from the sarcoma in his hip. Often, this scene of Shirley MacLaine’s character in the film “Terms of Endearment” pops into my mind. I understand her sentiment more than I ever have prior to this month. Thankfully, I’ve been able to keep my cool to observe and be present for the struggle.

Navigators are good.

I am generally pleased with the care Travis receives when we visit any office that works with oncology patients. Learning about nurse navigators has been the sunbeam in this gloomy process. We have benefited at both hospitals from excellent nurse navigators. Those nurses are always on the side of the patient and work to communicate on behalf of the patients. Despite how slow I feel our appointments are happening, once we visit the specialist, we realize how lucky we are to have the appointment as soon as we do.

Another amazing individual dropped in to see Travis while he was at St. Francis to receive an injection, a financial navigator. She called while he was in the treatment room preparing for an injection and instead of talking on the phone, she came to see us face to face! First, she introduced herself and then asked, “do you want financial assistance for this treatment?”. Feeling a bit dumbfounded, I kept silent while Travis quickly said, YES!

She also informed us that we have a positive balance in the community hospital system so from here on out just ask to be billed instead of paying a co-pay. As the Hamrick household accountant, I loved this information!!!

The broken parts…

Insurance, the necessary evil.

Generally, I find that insurance policies are one of the broken parts of health care. Prior to this cancer journey, the insurance blocked medications and tests that a doctor requested. I believe that a Pelvic CT scan request last year would have revealed this sarcoma sooner. The scan was not approved by insurance Because it was not part of the area of surgery. Insurance has paid for so much of Travis’ treatment that I cannot complain too loudly; however, there is room for improvement. I think the checks and balances between the prescriber and the insurance company have gone awry.


Travis also struggled with medication approval for his ulcerative colitis. The doctor prescribed a weekly dose and insurance said it wasn’t medically necessary and failed to explain why his medication was cancelled. He missed a dose which started to cause problems in his body. Eventually, he had to use a PTO day to investigate which meant navigating insurance, the mail order pharmacy, and the doctor. At the end of that week, he had it all ironed out, but I still believe those three entities need to communicate better.

I will not start about our local pharmacy that starts with the letter ‘W’. Let’s just go with my confirmation that palliative care is amazing when it comes to getting around the pharmacy red tape. So much, that I wish other areas outside of oncology had some kind of advocate for medications that have nothing to do with pain management.


This one has us scratching our heads about what we actually paid for when we paid our co-pay for this biopsy. I guess the hospital contracts out a radiologist to read the biopsy or maybe they had to bring in a special radiologist for this 2nd biopsy? I am sure there is a wonderful accounting reason that this occurs or maybe it’s like when I tell my students “There is no ‘why’ here, that’s just the way it is.”

Vacations set us back.

Delays in treatment for Travis can be partially attributed to doctors going on vacation in the month of June. While I cannot fault them for that, I still don’t like that we continue to wait to begin radiotherapy. We have one more doctor to visit, the orthopaedic oncologist at VCU. Once he has his say in the course of treatment, Travis is ready to see the radiology oncologist for simulation and then treatment! I pray that it will begin next week, that we don’t have to wait for the MRI on Friday.

I did learn, from Dr. Poklepovic, that a radiologist reads x-rays and other scans; while a radiology oncologist is the one who approves the math and makes the radio therapy happen. Every day is a learnin’ day!! So, forgive my ignorance from the last post. The radiology oncologist, not the radiologist, guided us through the CT images last Friday at VCU.

Bon Secours Cancer Institute at St. Francis

I took these pictures during our most recent visit to St. Francis. This building is a beautiful setting, filled with lovely people, who work together helping anyone suffering from cancer. The nurse helping Travis on this day said that she enjoys working here because of her team. She says that the nurse team cares for and helps one another unselfishly. Sounds like a great reason to get up and go to work each day!

Soon Travis will visit this building daily for 7 weeks for radiotherapy treatment. I am pleased that he is allowed to get treatment in this building, for the lovely & calm setting; as well as for the kind professionals who are there to take care of him.

VCU Health

VCU Health is massive! The school and hospital take up several blocks of the downtown area in Richmond, VA. Plus, there are several other VCU Health buildings in the metro area. At one time this was called the Medical College of Virginia. Now it is part of Virginia Commonwealth University and has grown into something that is not functioning well. It seems that something will have to change soon, or it will all fall apart. Despite that, the hospital has hired some amazing physicians who are leaders in their fields.

Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center

For years I have participated in the Monument Avenue 10K in early Spring right here in Richmond, Virginia. That race holds a special spot in my heart as it was my first ever road race and the first great accomplishment within my goal to start jogging for my own health. The race raises money for the Massey Cancer Center, which I have been aware of and half-heartedly supported. I believe that the next time I complete the 10K I will whole-heartedly support Massey!

Cancer information is quite comprehensive on the Massey website. While exploring their site I found an interesting article about sarcomas. If you would like to read a rather lengthy summary about soft tissue sarcoma and ways it can be treated, I found this article. The beginning of the article provides key points and an explanation of soft tissue, which I found to be very helpful.

Visiting the new building downtown.

This week we had to go downtown to see the oncologist, Dr. Poklepovic. Driving downtown is not one of my favorite things and having Travis in the passenger seat makes me a bit more edgy (My issue, not his). Google maps got us to the outpatient building easily and we used the valet parking service, which is a thing as wonderful as sliced bread. As I recovered from driving downtown, I confronted the next challenge of getting Travis to the correct place in the Adult Outpatient Building. All the people who work in that building were so good about directing us to the correct place. They must know how challenging it is to navigate that hospital.

Our visit took about 90 minutes. That includes talking with an extremely extroverted nurse, a visit from the nurse navigator and finally seeing the oncologist. It was worth the wait! Like everyone else in the oncology field, the doctor gave us the information we needed and did not leave until he answered all of our questions. He is also a great cheerleader offering his support, encouraging us and being available for us anytime we have questions. Until our next appointment, we take life one day at a time and try to fill it with things and people who lift us up.

A shift in teaching.

I’m taking my time reading through my professional development book “The Power of Our Words”. Some of these ideas are quite the departure from what I have been doing for most of my career. I feel like I will need to read this book again before I start teaching in August. One of my favorite golden nuggets is the general guidelines for teacher language. They are as follows:

  1. Be direct and genuine.
  2. Convey faith in children’s abilities and intentions.
  3. Focus on action.
  4. Keep it brief.
  5. Know when to be silent.

As I reflect on what I have learned from this book, I see clearly that I lack in using my words to their greatest effect. Putting this into action will take practice and reflection throughout the school year. Two things are certain, it will be a challenge to make this shift and I believe it will create a positive outcome to the music room learning environment.

Still enjoying Summertime.

I have been making time to get to the park and exercise by walking/jogging several times a week. It isn’t as easy as it used to be, but I manage to move for three miles each time I go. This summer break is busier than usual with all the appointments for Travis and even for me. Someone once told me “Getting old ain’t for sissies”. Truth!

Still, I do my best to sit back and enjoy some relaxing time. We are working our way through Ted Lasso while enjoying our free trial of Apple TV. International soccer tournaments and baseball games also keep our spirits up. If you have any suggestions for other comedies or lighthearted media to help pass time, I am happy to take those! I do have a book to read for fun, but I am making myself finish my professional development book first.

I am impressed with how Travis has transformed into a fútbol fan. He even turned on a EUFA Euro cup match while I was in the kitchen preparing a dish for our church picnic on Sunday! He will also let me watch the COPA tournament in the evenings. The greatest thing that a televised soccer match has in its favor is no commercial breaks, according to my husband.


I will leave you with this last image of something we have been in need of, desperately!

We are in a moderate drought in central Virginia, and we are finally receiving some much-anticipated rain today!!

This feels a bit metaphoric for our current health situation. We are ready for some relief from this poopy sarcoma, let it rain!

Make Time for Joyful Moments: Finding Ways to Self-Care.

Summer break is a wonderful thing for students and teachers alike. We need time to rest, to have less-structured fun, and to find things to do when we get bored. In my last post, I shared the start of my closet cleaning project. One week later the closet is looking good!

Closet Project Completed.

Here’s a photo of my closet in its current state. This is the result of that pile you saw in the previous post! Isn’t it nice?

Now I am able to locate items easily and I feel no stress as I enter my closet. I was also excited that I could vacuum in there with no obstacles! Small joys, right?

Bonus joys from the closet.

Several bonus joys have happened as well. My cat is enjoying the shoe box that no longer holds all of my old photos!

Remember when we used to take our film to a store and wait a few weeks to get the images back on a 4×6 glossy piece of paper? All of those photos are currently organized into an awesome photo box that holds lots of smaller photo boxes. I’m glad I found that 70% discount at Michael’s, otherwise the cat would not be in the box, my pictures would still be in there!!

I love revisiting the past in those old pictures. Remembering old friends, good times and bad times, laughing out loud and feeling a twinge of regret. I realize that I did not know how to be a good friend to some of those people. I hope to do better moving forward.

Another bonus was rediscovering a gift that my mother-in-law gave me many years ago when she returned from Hawaii. It was rolled up in a box for over 20 years and it is about time that I find a frame for this very thoughtful gift. Here is a picture of the framed gift!

Filling Time while Waiting for Appointments

This week seemed to slog along as we waited for my husband, Travis, to see the radiologist at VCU Health on Friday. He did have a midweek appointment with his palliative medicine doctor.

Travis has often expressed his good impression of the palliative care team at St. Francis Hospital. This was my first visit and I completely understand why he sings their praises. That team is able to work through the pharmacy/insurance red-tape, and they work quickly and efficiently. For anyone who is dealing with chronic pain, this is priceless! What impressed me was how the doctor attentively & actively listened to Travis and to me. As an educator, I appreciate that quality immensely.

Taking care of myself.

I did make time this week to enjoy a few things. I love walking in my local park, and I love to sit on my back porch listening to the birds. Early in the day the cats will join me on the porch and we ‘chill out’ together. I even ordered a diffuser of my favorite scent from Ireland. Many of you know that I went on a tour of Ireland last year. While venturing through The Burren national park, we stopped at a visitor center. That is where I purchased my first Irish Whistle and discovered this scent which makes me feel serene. It is called Burren Ash from a company called Gruaig, which is Irish for ‘hair’. I wish you could smell it.

The radiologist appointment.

Friday finally arrived and we made our way to the radiologist appointment at VCU (Virginia Commonwealth University). Though we questioned the reason for this appointment, we left feeling as if it was beneficial in this ever-evolving process.

First, the radiologist gave Travis the choice of treatment in his office or at St. Francis, where we were prepared to begin radiation last week. Travis wants to use the St. Francis team and the VCU radiologist is 100% behind that decision. Next, he showed us the CT scans of the tumor and explained the images.

While I was staring at the monitor, I found myself being equally fascinated and terrified as he scrolled through the images. We were able to see the large shadow that is covering the left pubis bone (Fig 5). I controlled my urge to get my phone to take a video the screen and my urge to cry as I imagined how much pain this must be creating in Travis’ body. We stayed about 30 minutes asking questions, staring at the screen, and expressing our concerns & frustrations. The doctor was magnificent and even helped us with a comfortable laugh near the end of our visit.

What we discovered at the radiologist.

The doctor believes that this tumor has the characteristics of LMS (Leiomyosarcoma) and is hesitant to be definitive on a course of action. While he wants to let the tumor board weigh in first, he did suggest a few more tests. An MRI will give better imagery of the sarcoma and a PET scan will let us know if the sarcoma exists elsewhere in the body.

It is likely the treatment will include radiation and chemotherapy. As for surgery, the placement of the tumor will require and confident and skilled surgeon. It isn’t a consideration right now. He assured us that this is just a lull before treatment really begins and soon it will all move very quickly.

We were eager to hear something by the end of the day Friday from the board of doctors who reviewed Travis’ case; yet no word came, so Monday is when we hope to know more. The radiologist did call at 6:30 PM on a Friday (that was impressive) to let us know he was scheduling a PET scan and that it looked like the orthopedic doctor is scheduling an appointment for Travis. Are you familiar with the phrase “Hurry up and wait!”?

More Joyful Moments.

During the past few weeks, we have experienced an overflow of encouragement, support, love and prayers. Travis has a group of friends who have remained close for 30-40 years now and they gathered this week at our home. They came to listen to Travis, laugh about some old times and pledge their support to the two of us. We learned about everyone’s struggles. It’s good to share them and do our best to help one another.

Many of my longtime friends have also been very encouraging and offering to be here when I need them. I love and appreciate this outpouring of the best part of the human spirit. Peggy and Teri shared real life examples of how rare sarcomas are not the end of life, just an obstacle along the way. I appreciate them reaching out. Thank you, my friends!

While it occasionally feels like there are just two of us experiencing this, each time we enter another doctor’s office we take all of your encouragement, support, love and prayers along with us. We are all in this together. We cannot express in words how grateful we are for those of you who have reached out to us. You bring us Joy!

Moving forward.

Travis has begun his short-term disability leave from work which has been a tremendous relief for both of us. Soon, we will know how to go about getting rid of this sarcoma and life will be all about getting tests and treatments. I pray that the treatments will release Travis from the pain and return him to a good quality of life. I am doing my best to find the joy in this lull before the whirlwind begins.

We also draw strength from the Word of God and the loveliest group of flawed individuals who gather at our church. I leave you with a portion of Psalm 46,

 God is our refuge and strength,
    a help always near in times of great trouble.
That’s why we won’t be afraid when the world falls apart,
    when the mountains crumble into the center of the sea,
    when its waters roar and rage,
    when the mountains shake because of its surging waves.

Navigating the Waiting Game: Updates & Hope in the Face of Sarcoma Battle

In my last post I mentioned that I was waiting for some books to arrive and they have arrived!! This is the first one I am reading for my own professional development. So far, so good! I’ve only read the introduction and I am excited to keep reading. Some of you know that professional development isn’t always exciting, so for me to say that is certainly something!!

Responsive Classroom's "The Power of Our Words: Teacher Language that Helps Children Learn" by Paula Denton, EdD, 2nd Edition, Front Cover

This past school year I challenged myself to change my classroom management plan and I took the book suggestion, that my fabulous media specialist gave me a few years back, called “Responsive Classroom for Music Art PE and Other Special Areas” and I read through it last Summer. I found it to be very helpful for me and for my students because it helped us develop OUR rules for the classroom and we started learning procedures which help things run more smoothly for all involved.

Now this Summer, after reflecting on how I the new management plan worked, I have decided to dive a little deeper into how I speak to my students. I need to work on asking engaging questions and speaking in ways that allow for students to make positive decisions. If you are a teacher of any size, shape, or variety; I highly recommend “The Power of Our Words”. Its only seven chapters and 144 pages long.

Summertime project!

Actually, I believe that this one was more about my own mental health. I got home from church last Sunday and decided that everything had to come out of my closet and this is what my bed looked like when I was finished (and you can’t even see the pile of shoes that no longer live in this house).

Life has been feeling a little out of control lately, so I decided to take control of one thing that has been bothering me for several months. I channeled my inner Marie Kondo and said ‘thank you and goodbye’ to all the items that no longer bring me joy!! (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, start with Marie Kondo’s show “Tidying Up” on Netflix.) One week later, I have returned what remains of my things to my closet with much better organization. Hooray!

Sarcoma battle update

The update on my husband is that we are playing the ‘waiting game’. Waiting for university doctors to look at the biopsy results, waiting to get an appointment for some course of treatment, waiting to see the palliative medicine doctor, waiting for the pain to subside.

He has begun short term disability, which means more time to focus on getting through to the people who can help rid us of this sarcoma. On his last day of work he said that he felt a weight lift off his shoulders. Knowing that he has done good work and left his team in good hands for several months has helped him adjust his focus to this new journey. Everyone at his work has been so positive and encouraging, even the CEO told him that he will beat this no matter what the doctors say! You gotta love that kind of thinking.

We are continuously reminded to think positive, that this will be beaten, that there is hope and the future is bright. Thank you if you have been one of those people and thank you if you are joining me on this journey! We feel your love & support and it is priceless.

Until next time, Cheers!

Everyday is a Learning Day: Embracing Life’s Lessons and Joys in June 2024

Setting up this blog has been a learning experience! Maybe it is my age or maybe it is my lack of patience with following directions. I can hear myself telling my students to slow down and read through the directions again. So I finally took my own advice and now I am actually starting my first blog entry. Here we go!

It’s June 11th and the weather is surprisingly lovely. It is 76 degrees at noon and there is a gentle breeze occasionally. I can hear birds, neighbors working in their yards, cars on the busy back road which is on the opposite side of my house from the screened porch where I sit and I can’t forget the sounds of my husband who is working from home today. He is taking a lunch break and is now sitting on the porch with me as he enjoys his freshly prepared pork barbeque sandwich and I must admit that my stomach is now telling me that it is time for me to prepare some lunch as well.

First, let me explain the reason for my blog title. In June of 2023, one year ago, I was in Ireland with my parents and we were on a music tour of Irish guitar manufacturers. Our tour guide, a fine musician named Sean Kearns, was fond of saying at least two things everyday; “We’ll be there in about 5 minutes” and “Everyday is a learning day”. One of those statements was more accurate than the other. The phrase ‘Everyday is a learning day’ is now one of my favorite lines to share during those moments in life when I, or someone around me, experiences something new, like it or not! Here’s a picture of Sean singing and playing for us one evening after supper.

So the reason that I am home enjoying the beauty of this rare June day is because as an elementary public school teacher, I don’t work during the months of June and July.!!! That is, I don’t go into the school building and teach lessons to my students during these months. However, I have ordered several books which I will read and take that knowledge to improve my classroom management. Additionally, I have a 4 day music education conference to attend in the month of July. So, despite not being paid for these two months, I do find ways to keep learning and preparing for the coming school year.

I’m also sad to say that I have started learning about Leiomyosarcoma (Leo-my-oh-sarcoma). While I am not the one dealing with it in my body, it is causing me to suffer as I watch my husband learning to deal with the fact that the searing pain in his hip joint is actually a rare form of cancer. We just got the pathology report yesterday and are still trying to take daily steps in this journey while not getting too far into the future. Knowing with even more certainty that there is a finite number of days and that it just isn’t enough to do many of the things that we were hoping and planning for during our approaching retirement years, I feel a bit dumbfounded and a bit angry all at once. I feel a bit like that Kindergarten student feeling like it is unfair that they didn’t have a turn to play the drum in class. I do my best to remain hopeful that his pain can be reduced so he can get off of the medications that help him survive each day and hopeful that we can find something to be a ‘prize’ for when that day comes. I’m thinking of things like traveling to Germany or Ireland, but I will leave it to him to decide on the prize. I currently have doubts that we will ever be able to say that he is cancer free, but I am asking God for that anyway. In the mean time, I pray for him to be free from this pain.

So there is my first learning day post. I hope you will return and take this journey with me. Feel free to subscribe; though I don’t know why you would find any of this interesting, and feel free to share lovely and constructive comments.
